21st March 2023

Designing for Inclusivity: Creating a Welcoming Workplace for Everyone


Creating an inclusive workplace is crucial for attracting and retaining diverse talent, promoting collaboration, and fostering a positive work culture. Inclusive workplace design is about meeting legal requirements and creating a welcoming environment where everyone feels valued and respected. When it comes to workplace design there are a lot of questions that need to be answered; is it inviting? Is it sustainable? Does it encourage collaboration amongst employees? Is it a welcoming space for all employees?

Workplace design can be tailored to create an inclusive environment for employees of all abilities, genders, ages, and cultural backgrounds. We take a look at how.

Universal Design Principles

Universal design is the design of products and environments that can be used by all people, regardless of their age, size, ability, or disability. This includes designing for wheelchair accessibility, installing ramps and elevators, creating wide aisles, and using non-slip surfaces. Universal design principles help create an inclusive workplace where all employees feel comfortable and can easily navigate the space.

Inclusive workplace design also involves considering the needs of employees with hearing or visual impairments. Incorporating technology such as screen readers and hearing loops can make a big difference in the workplace. Employers can also consider using signage with clear fonts and high-contrast colours to ensure everyone can read and understand important information.

Diverse Seating Options

One of the key elements of inclusive workplace design is offering diverse seating options. This caters to employees of different abilities and promotes collaboration and creativity. For instance, some employees prefer standing desks, while others require adjustable desks to accommodate their height. Offering a variety of chairs and seating options can also benefit employees with back problems or mobility issues.

Employers can also consider incorporating ergonomic furniture to promote better posture and reduce strain on the body. Ergonomic chairs, footrests, and keyboard trays can make a significant difference in the comfort and productivity of employees.

Multi-Sensory Experiences

Inclusive workplace design can also incorporate multi-sensory experiences to cater to employees with sensory processing differences. Multi-sensory experiences involve designing spaces that engage more than one of the five senses: sight, sound, smell, taste, and touch. For instance, incorporating natural lighting, calming scents, and soft music can create a calming environment that can benefit employees with anxiety or sensory sensitivities.

Employers can also consider incorporating tactile experiences such as textured walls, natural materials, and different flooring types to cater to employees with sensory differences. Additionally, providing quiet spaces for employees to take a break can benefit those who need to recharge or process information in a more relaxed setting.

Cultural Sensitivity

Inclusive workplace design should also consider cultural sensitivity to ensure employees of different backgrounds feel welcomed and valued. This can include incorporating diverse artwork, artistic decorations, and signage in multiple languages. It can also mean designing spaces accommodating different cultural practices, such as prayer or lactation rooms for new mothers.

Employers can also consider offering diverse food options in the cafeteria or break rooms to cater to employees with different dietary needs or cultural preferences. Celebrating cultural holidays and events can also promote a sense of belonging and community in the workplace.


Inclusive workplace design creates a welcoming environment where all employees feel valued and respected. Incorporating universal design principles, diverse seating options, multi-sensory experiences, and cultural sensitivity can make a big difference in creating an inclusive workplace. Employers who invest in inclusive workplace design attract and retain diverse talent and promote collaboration and productivity.

Our designers can work with you to design an inviting, inclusive workplace where all of your employees will feel welcome.

Paige Allison