Amigo Loans | Workshop Industrial Office Desks
Amigo Loans | Workshop Industrial Office Desks

Customer Testimonial

“Steel Vintage rock! They are passionate, reliable, creative, professional and totally cool. Steel Vintage should be in every office and every home in the UK. We’re a tricky bunch to please. We want perfection and we have high standards. Steel Vintage utterly understood this and bent over backwards to meet our expectations. We didn’t want the usual office solution to seating our staff. We needed a design which worked in our space, using materials which reflect our own ethos and principles of quality and perfection – simple yet beautiful. We wanted people sitting ‘bench style’ to aid talking and sharing ideas, yet wanted to be able to reconfigure layout if and when needed. The solution was over 68 bespoke large industrial office desks to seat 350 staff, made from stunning solid distressed oak and lightly polished steel. We have been blown away by Jon and the team at Steel Vintage. A company which reflects our own heritage: small, honest, family run, yet able to produce world-class amazing products. Our need was a big ask and we needed it in a very short time frame. Jon never once complained or made any excuses; he was always open and honest and managed our expectations throughout. Steel Vintage moved heaven and earth to get our order to us in time for our opening, even though it meant pulling all-nighters. So, you could say we’re pretty impressed with our industrial office desks. We stare at them a lot, sometimes we stroke them. They are a thing of glory! Thanks Steel Vintage.”

James Benamor (Owner and Managing Director)

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